Many people who have the budget for gas on a weekly basis, are increasingly inadequate. You must take the bus one or two days a week to stay within their budget and save money on their gas bill refuge. The most recent and innovative way to save money on gas is the home HHO generator for cars. Does not want to give up this idea, I made an attempt to make one of my own, and to convert my car to a car full of water.
Build a HHO kit for your car(Truck / SUV)
There are a number of possibilities for the implementation of this build and first on the agenda is to build the HHO generator. A short drive in your corner hardware store, you must buy most of the materials for construction. Many kits require the use of stainless steel plates or stainless steel wire. If you use the disks that you need for the sand will remove the glossy surface, creates a surface roughing process, leading to betterPress HHO gas. You can use this process for the stainless steel wire.
The best container for the cell itself is a container clear water filter that runs about $ 15.00. The filter housing is already with a screw on plastic lid with a hard rubber O-ring. You have to pierce the lid and add a few ports for the tubes and electrodes. A simple valve on the exhaust pipe required, which leads to a sewage purification plants, and this valve island 'sCell from a counter. It is also necessary fittings to connect the drain wash bottle of the intake.
If you use wire or plate, will be) a positive electrode (anode) and the negative electrode (cathode. must be stainless steel plates have holes at the top for connections that are made by the form of cover protruding rods for links the battery. Some people use one - NNN + NNN - configuration, the positive electrode 1, 2 and negative electrodes 6 Vehiclesneutral plates, which are not linked. These neutral plates to reduce the current flowing in the circuit. A mixture of stainless steel screws and plastic can be used to isolate in order to invite the various panels.
The moment of truth for the HHO kit has arrived, all the hook-up done. A new battery purchased specifically for this project provided some 'juice and Viola started to form bubbles. I have a proof of HHO gas flame, and sure enough ignition instantly (do not knowThey recommend flame test). Well, what do you know, I built something that will do what should be his for the production of HHO gas.
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