Saturday, April 24, 2010

Build a Hydrogen Generator and Run Your Car on Water Fuel - Is it a Scam?

There was a report form a large news network that building your own hydrogen generator to power your car on water was a scam...that it did not work. I guess the idea of free press is still a fairytale and controlled by those who control the money.

This just has to be the case because I have a DIY hydrogen generator in my own car and it has significantly increased my gas mileage.

Bell Laboratories has tested the device and says it works. There are videos on the web showing the power of this amazing gas that is produced from home built on-demand hydrogen generators...but here is a report from a news organization that the device is just a gimic. Gee, I wonder who buys the most advertising during this show?

I imagine that anything you can build yourself with parts you can find locally and for under $65 that will cut your gas bill by 35-75% would scare me too if I owned a big oil company or collected huge tax revenues off that oil.

I'm not into conspiracy theories but this report is ridiculous. Thousands upon thousands of people all over the world are running their cars on water and significantly increasing their gas mileage. There is even documented proof that the device extends engine life.

Now, to be clear here, your home built hydrogen generator does not produce pure hydrogen and you do not run your car on the gas produced alone. The generator actually creates a gas known as HHO, or Brown's gas that is actually two bonded hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

This is a non-explosive and safe gas that burns cleanly and when combined with the gas you already use will allow the mixture to burn more completely, increasing efficiency and engine performance.

What is odd to me is that this report does not focus on the fact that cars are designed to get lousy gas mileage in the first place. Actual devices are used to counteract any increased fuel mileage efforts and in fact have to be disabled to make the hydrogen generator work. Perhaps this is how they got around the false statements that the hydrogen generator does not work.

Did you know that you only use about 25% of the energy available in a gallon of gas for forward motion, the other 75% goes unburned? Did you also know that in order to deal with all this unburned fuel the EPA mandated the use of expensive catalytic convertors to cook the fuel before it goes out the tailpipe instead of making the auto-makers design a more efficient vehicle?

Why is the news not focused on this amazing fact? I guess you, the guy paying over four bucks a gallon can be the judge of that.

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